8th VMO 1969

Problem A3

The real numbers x1, x4, y1, y2 are positive and the real numbers x2, x3, y3, y4 are negative. We have (xi - a)2 + (yi - b)2 ≤ c2 for i = 1, 2, 3, 4. Show that a2 + b2 ≤ c2. State the result in geometric language.



Stated geometrically, the result is: if a disk includes a point in each quadrant, then it must also include the origin. We use the fact that a disk is convex. Let Pi be the point (xi,yi). The segment P1P2 must intersect the positive x-axis. By convexity, the point of intersection, call it X, must lie in the disk. Similarly, P3P4 must intersect the negative x-axis at some point Y, which must be in the disk. Then all points of the segment XY are in the disk and hence, in particular, the origin.



8th VMO 1969

© John Scholes
7 March 2004
Last corrected/updated 7 Mar 04