16th USAMO 1987

Problem 5

a1, a2, ... , an is a sequence of 0s and 1s. T is the number of triples (ai, aj, ak) with i < j < k which are not equal to (0, 1, 0) or (1, 0, 1). For 1 ≤ i ≤ n, f(i) is the number of j < i with aj = ai plus the number of j > i with aj ≠ ai. Show that T = f(1) (f(1) - 1)/2 + f(2) (f(2) - 1)/2 + ... + f(n) (f(n) - 1)/2. If n is odd, what is the smallest value of T?



For n odd, the smallest value of T is n(n-1)(n-3)/8 achieved by 01010... 010.

Suppose a particular ai = 0. Let Si be the set of aj with j < i and aj = ai and aj with j > i and aj ≠ ai. Suppose we take any two members of Si and consider the triple formed with ai itself. Surprisingly perhaps, they are all of the required form (ai is bold):

... 0 ... 0 ... 0

... 0 ... 0 ... 1

... 0 ... 1 ... 1

Similarly, if ai = 1:

... 1 ... 1 ... 1

... 1 ... 1 ... 0

... 1 ... 0 ... 0

Conversely, any triple of the required form can be considered (uniquely) to be an ai with members of the triple before it equal to it and members of the triple after it unequal to it. Since f(m) ( f(m) - 1) is the number of ways of choosing two items from f(m), we have established that T = ∑ f(m) ( f(m) - 1).

We show that ∑ f(m) = n(n-1)/2 (and is hence independent of the details of the particular sequence ai - it depends only on its length). In the case of a sequence of all 0s, we have f(1) = 0, f(2) = 1, ... , f(n) = n-1, so ∑ f(m) = n(n-1)/2. Now suppose we have a particular sequence and we change ai from 0 to 1. Suppose there are a 0s before ai, b 1s before ai, c 0s after ai and d 1s after ai. Then the value of f(i) is changed from a + d to b + c, an increase of (b - a) + (c - d). The value of f(j) with j < i is decreased by 1 if f(j) is 0 and increased by 1 if f(j) is 0. So in total there is an increase of (a - b) for such j. Similarly, for j > i, the value of f(j) is decreased by 1 if f(j) is 0 and increased by 1 if f(j) is 1, a net increase of (d - c). Thus overall ∑ f(m) is increased by (b - a) + (c - d) + (a - b) + (d - c) = 0. But by a sequence of such changes we can get to any sequence ai, so all sequences (of length n) have the same value for ∑ f(m).

Thus T is minimised when ∑ f(m)2 is minimised. But since ∑ f(m) is fixed, that is achieved when the f(m) are as equal as possible. If n =2k+1, then ∑ f(m) = n(n-1)/2, so the average value of f(m) is exactly k, so we look for an arrangement with all f(m) = k. It is not hard to see that 01010...1010 works. So this gives T = ∑ k(k-1)/2 = n(n-1)(n-3)/8.

The question does not ask for it, but the even case is also straightforward. If n = 2k, then the best we can hope for is k values of k and k values of k-1, so that ∑ f(m) = k.k + k.(k-1) = k(2k-1) = n(n-1)/2. That is achieved by 0101...0101 (all the 0s have f(m) = k and all the 1s have f(m) = k-1). Hence T = k.k(k-1)/2 + (k-1).(k-1)(k-2)/2 = (k-1)(2k2-3k+2)/2 = (n-2)(n2-3n+4)/8.



16th USAMO 1987

© John Scholes
26 Aug 2002