40th IMO 1999 shortlist

Problem N6

Show that for any k > 0 we can find an infinite arithmetic progression of positive integers each of which has sum of digits greater than k and where the common difference is not a multiple of 10.



The AP is A, A+d, A+2d, A+3d, ... . In outline, the idea is to take the difference d large. Then we will show that there are only a small number of possibilities for the residue mod d of numbers with small digit sum. We take A to be different from these residues. Then since every term in the arithmetic progression has the same residue A mod d, it cannot have small digit sum.

So take d = 10m + 1, where m will be chosen later (so d is obviously not a multiple of 10). Put an = A + nd and assume it has digits bsbs-1 ... b0. If u and v differ by a multiple of 2m, then 10u = 10v mod (10m + 1) (because 10m + 1 divides 102m - 1 which divides 10u - 10v). So take ci = bi + bi+2m + bi+4m + ... for i = 0, 1, 2, ... , 2m-1. Then an = c2m-1102m-1 + ... + c0 mod (10m + 1).

Now we claim that the number of 2m-tuples (c0, c1, ... , c2m-1) of non-negative integers with sum ≤ k is (k+2m)Ck (the binomial coefficient (k+2m)!/(k! 2m!) ). To prove the claim, note that there are (k+2m)Ck ways or arranging k 0s and 2m 1s in a row. For each such arrangement take cj to be the number of 1s before the jth 0 (and after the j-1th 0 if there is one).

But (k+2m)Ck < 10m for m sufficiently large. So we can find a number A in {1, 2, ... , 10m} which is different from all of the residues c2m-1102m-1 + ... + c0 mod (10m + 1) for tuples (c0, ... , c2m-1) with sum ≤ k. Now if an had digit sum ≤ k, then the corresponding ci would have sum equal to this digit sum and hence ≤ k so the corresponding residue c2m-1102m-1 + ... + c0 mod (10m + 1) could not be A. But an = A mod (10m + 1) and an = c2m-1102m-1 + ... + c0 mod (10m + 1). Contradiction. So the digit sum of an must exceed k.


If multiples of 10 are allowed the problem is trivial: let A = 11 ... 1 be the number with k+1 1s. Then let d be 102k. Now the last k+1 digits of A + nd are always the same, so A + nd always has digit sum greater than k.



40th IMO shortlist 1999

© John Scholes
10 Oct 2002