38th IMO 1997 shortlist

Problem 13

In town A there are n girls and n boys and every girl knows every boy. Let a(n,r) be the number of ways in which r girls can dance with r boys, so that each girl knows her partner. In town B there are n girls and 2n-1 boys such that girl i knows boys 1, 2, ... , 2i-1 (and no others). Let b(n,r) be the number of ways in which r girls from town B can dance with r boys from town B so that each girl knows her partner. Show that a(n,r) = b(n,r).



Town A is easy. We can choose r girls in nCr ways, then we can choose r boys in nCr ways. Any girl can dance with any boy, so we can pair them in r! ways. Hence a(n,r) = (nCr)2r! = nCr n!/(n-r)!. It is easy to check that:
a(n,1) = n2, a(2,2) = 2,
for 1 < r < n, we have a(n-1,r) + (2n-r)a(n-1,r-1) = n-1! n-1!/(n-r! n-r! r!) ( (n-r)2 + (2n-r)r) = a(n,r)
a(n,n) = n! = n a(n-1,n-1).

Now consider town B. If r=1, then if we pick girl i there are 2i-1 possible choices of boy, so b(n,1) = 1 + 3 + ... + 2n-1 = n2. Suppose r > 2. If r = n, then we must pick girl n. None of the other girls know boy n, so the other girls and their partners can be chosen in b(n-1,n-1) ways. Then girl n can choose any of the remaining 2n-n boys as her partner, giving b(n,n) = nb(n-1,n-1).

If 2 < r < n, then as in the case r = n, there are (2n-r)b(n-1,r-1) possibilities if we choose girl n. It is also possible not to choose girl n, in which case there are b(n-1,r) possibilities. So b(n,r) = b(n-1,r) + (2n-r)b(n-1,r-1). It is also easy to check that b(2,2) = 2.

So b(n,r) and a(n,r) satisfy the same recurrence relations and initial conditions. Hence they are identical.



38th IMO shortlist 1997

© John Scholes
2 Dec 2003
Last corrected/updated 2 Dec 2003