32nd IMO 1991 shortlist

Problem 19

Show that the only rational solution q in the range 0 < q < 1 to the equation cos(3πq) + 2 cos(2πq) = 0 is 2/3.



We have cos 2A = 2 cos2A - 1, cos 3A = 4 cos3A - 3 cos A. So put x = cos(πq). Then 4x3 - 3x + 4x2 - 2 = 0, or (2x + 1)(2x2 + x - 2) = 0, so x = -½ or (-1 ± √17)/4. For q to be real we must have |x| <= 1, so x = -½ or (√17 - 1)/4. Since q is in the range 0 to 1, x = -½ implies q = 2/3. Thus we have to show that if cos(πq) = (√17 - 1)/4, then q is irrational.

The idea is to show that cos(πq), cos(2π), cos(4πq), cos(8πq), cos(16πq), ... are all distinct. But for any given positive integer d, nπ/d = one of 0, π/d, 2π/d, ... , (2d-1)π/d mod 2π, so there are at most 2d possible values for cos(nπ/d), where n is an arbitrary integer. Hence if q is rational, the there are only finitely many possible values for cos(2nπq).

We show by induction that cos(2nπq) = (an + bn√17)/4 for odd integers an, bn. We have already shown that a1 = -1, b1 = 1. Suppose the result is true for n. Then cos(2n+1πq) = 2cos2(2nπq) - 1 = 2(an + bn√17)/16 - 1. So an+1 = (an2 + 17bn2)/2 - 4, bn = anbn. Odd squares = 1 mod 4 and 17 = 1 mod 4, so an2 + 17bn2 = 2 mod 4, and hence an+1 is odd. bn+1 is obviously odd. So the result is true for n+1 and hence for all n. Also an+1 > ½ an2 + ½ ≥ an, so all the an are different. Hence all the cos(2nπq) are different, as claimed.

Note that although it might seem more natural to find cos(nπq) for all integers n, it is much harder work, because the recurrence is more complicated. All we need is an infinite number of distinct values, so we pick a subsequence that is easy to deal with.



32nd IMO shortlist 1991

© John Scholes
2 Jan 2003
Last corrected/updated 2Jan 03