25th IMO 1984 shortlisted problems

1.  Given real A, find all solutions (x1, x2, ... , xn) to the n equations (i = 1, 2, ... , n):
xi |xi|- (xi - A) |(xi - A)| = xi+1 |xi+1|, where we take xn+1 to mean x1. (France 1)
2.  Prove that there are infinitely many triples of positive integers (m, n, p) satisfying 4mn - m - n = p2 - 1, but none satisfying 4mn - m - n = p2. (Canada 2)
3.  Find all positive integers n such that n = d62 + d72 - 1, where 1 = d1 < d2 < ... < dk = n are all the positive divisors of n. (USSR 3)
6.  c is a positive integer. The sequence f1, f2, f3, ... is defined by f1 = 1, f2 = c, fn+1 = 2 fn - fn-1 + 2. Show that for each k there is an r such that fk fk+1 = fr. (Canada 3)
7.  Can we number the squares of an 8 x 8 board with the numbers 1, 2, ... , 64 so that any four squares with any of the following shapes

have sum = 0 mod 4? Can we do it for the following shapes?

(German Federal Republic 5)

9.  Let a, b, c be positive reals such that √a + √b + √c = √3/2. Show that the equations:
√(y - a) + √(z - a) = 1
√(z - b) + √(x - b) = 1
√(x - c) + √(y - c) = 1
have exactly one solution in reals x, y, z. (Poland 2)
10.  Prove that the product of five consecutive positive integers cannot be the square of an integer. (Great Britain 1)
11.  a1, a2, ... , a2n are distinct integers. Find all integers x which satisfy (x - a1)(x - a2) ... (x - a2n) = (-1)n(n!)2. (Canada 1)
13.  A tetrahedron is inscribed in a straight circular cylinder of volume 1. Show that its volume cannot exceed 2/(3π). (Bulgaria 5)
15.  The angles of the triangle ABC are all < 120o. Equilateral triangles are constructed on the outside of each side as shown. Show that the three lines AD, BE, CF are concurrent. Suppose they meet at S. Show that SD + SE + SF = 2(SA + SB + SC).

(Luxembourg 2)

17.  If (x1, x2, ... , xn) is a permutation of (1, 2, ... , n) we call the pair (xi, xj) discordant if i < j and xi > xj. Let d(n, k) be the number of permutations of (1, 2, ... , n) with just k discordant pairs. Find d(n, 2) and d(n, 3). (German Federal Republic 3)
18.  ABC is a triangle. A circles with the radii shown are drawn inside the triangle each touching two sides and the incircle. Find the radius of the incircle.

(USA 5)

19.  The harmonic table is a triangular array:
1/2   1/2
1/3   1/6   1/3
1/4   1/12  1/12  1/4
where an,1 = 1/n and an,k+1 = an-1,k - an,k. Find the harmonic mean of the 1985th row. (Canada 5)
20.  Find all pairs of positive reals (a, b) with a not 1 such that logab < loga+1(b+1). (USA 2)
Note: This list does not incude the problems used in the Olympiad (4, 5, 8, 12, 14, 16 on the shortlist, which were 5, 1, 3, 2, 4, 6 in the Olympiad).

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© John Scholes
26 Jul 2003
Last corrected/updated 26 Jul 03