40th Putnam 1979

Problem B2

Given 0 < α < β, find limλ→0 ( ∫01 (βx + α(1 - x) )λ dx )1/λ.



Answer: ββ/(β - α)/( e αα/(β - α))

Let t = βx + α(1 - x). Then the integral becomes ∫αβ tλ dt/(β - α) = 1/(1 + λ) (βλ+1 - aλ+1)/(β - α). We evaluate the limits of 1/(1 + λ)λ and (βλ+1 - aλ+1)λ/(β - α)λ separately. Put k = 1/λ. The first limit is lim 1/(1 + 1/k)k = 1/e. To evaluate the second, note that βx = ex ln β = (1 + x ln β + O(x2) ), so the expression is (1 + 1/k (β ln β - α ln α)/(β - α) + O(1/k2) )k, which tends to the limit exp( (β ln β - α ln α)/(β - α) ) as k tends to infinity, in other words, ββ/(β - α)/ αα/(β - α).



40th Putnam 1979

© John Scholes
4 Dec 1999