12th Putnam 1952

Problem A3

Let the roots of the cubic p(x) ≡ x3 + ax2 + bx + c be α, β, γ. Find all (a, b, c) so that p(α2) = p(β2) = p(γ2) = 0.



Answer: (0, 0, 0) roots 0, 0, 0
(-1, 0, 0) roots 0, 0, 1
(-2, 1, 0) roots 0, 1, 1
(0, -1, 0) roots 0, 1, -1
(1, 1, 0) roots 0, ω, ω2, where ω = e2pi/3
(-3, 3, -1) roots 1, 1, 1
(-1, -1, 1) roots 1, 1, -1
(1, -1, -1) roots 1, -1, -1
(0, 0, -1), roots 1, ω, ω2
(i, 1, -i), roots 1, -1, -i
(-i, 1, i), roots 1, -1, i
(1-ω, 1-ω, -ω, roots ω, ω, ω2
(1-ω2, 1-ω2, -ω2), roots ω, ω2, ω2
(1+ω, 1+ω, ω), roots ω, -ω, ω2
(1+ω2, 1+ω2, ω2), roots ω, ω2, -ω2
((1-i√7)/2, (-1-i√7)/2, -1), roots k, k2, k4, where k = e2iπ/7
((1+i√7)/2, (-1+i√7)/2, -1), roots k3, k5, k6.

p(x) = 0 has only three roots, so the squares must all be found in { α, β, γ }. Let α be the root with the largest modulus, then |α|2 > |α| unless |α| ≤ 1. Let γ be the root with the smallest non-zero modulus, then |γ|2 < |β| unless |γ| ≥ 1. Hence all non-zero roots have modulus 1.

All roots zero is possible and gives (a, b, c) = (0, 0, 0).

Suppose β = γ = 0 and α is non-zero. Then α2 = α, so α = 1. This gives (a, b, c) = (-1, 0, 0).

Suppose γ = 0, and α, b are non-zero. If α2 = α, then α = 1. Then β2 = 1 or β, so β = 1 or -1. This gives (a, b, c) = (-2, 1, 0) or (0, -1, 0). If α2 is not α (and β2 not β), then we must have α4 = α, so α and β are ω and ω2, where ω = e2iπ/3. This gives (a, b, c) = (1, 1, 1).

The remaining possibility is that all roots are non-zero (and have modulus 1). There might be 3, 2, 1 or 0 roots equal to 1. The first case gives (-3, 3, -1). In the second case the third root must satisfy γ2 = 1 or γ and hence must be -1, giving (a, b, c) = (-1, -1, 1).

We consider the third case (just one root equal to 1). If both the roots not equal to 1 have square 1, then they must both be -1 and (a, b, c) = (1, -1, -1). If one has square 1 and one not. Then they must be -1 and ±i. This gives (a, b, c) = (i, 1, i) or (-i, 1, -i). If neither have square 1, then we must have β2 = γ, γ2 = β, hence β3 = 1 and β and γ are ω and ω2.

The final case is that no roots are 1. If we have α2 = β and β2 = α, then α and β are ω and ω2 and γ2 = ω or ω2, so γ = ±ω or ±ω2. So the roots are ω, ω, ω2 or ω, ω2, ω2 or ω, -ω, ω2 or ω, ω2, -ω2. This gives (a, b, c) = (1-ω, 1-ω, ω) or (1-ω2, 1-ω2, ω2) or (1+ω, 1+ω, ω) or (1+ω2, 1+ω2, ω2).

The final possibility is α2 = β, β2 = γ, γ2 = α. Hence α7 = 1. If we put k = ei2π/7, then the roots could be k, k2, k4 or k6, k5, k3. This corresponds to (a, b, c) = ((1-i√7)/2, (-1-i√7)/2, -1), ((1+i√7)/2, (-1+i√7)/2, -1).

Comment. In some ways this is a nightmare question to meet in an exam. It is not particularly difficult, but it is almost impossible to do quickly and there is much scope for minor mistakes.



12th Putnam 1952

© John Scholes
5 Mar 2002