IMO 2002

Problem B1

The positive divisors of the integer n > 1 are d1 < d2 < ... < dk, so that d1 = 1, dk = n. Let d = d1d2 + d2d3 + ... + dk-1dk. Show that d < n2 and find all n for which d divides n2.



dk+1-m <= n/m. So d < n2(1/(1.2) + 1/(2.3) + 1/(3.4) + ... ). The inequality is certainly strict because d has only finitely many terms. But 1/(1.2) + 1/(2.3) + 1/(3.4) + ... = (1/1 - 1/2) + (1/2 - 1/3) + (1/3 - 1/4) + ... = 1. So d < n2.

Obviously d divides n2 for n prime. Suppose n is composite. Let p be the smallest prime dividing n. Then d > n2/p. But the smallest divisor of n2 apart from 1 is p, so if d divides n2, then d ≤ n2/p. So d cannot divide n2 for n composite.



43rd IMO 2002

© John Scholes
27 Jul 2002
Last corrected/updated 27 Jul 2002