5th APMO 1993

Problem 5

C is a 1993-gon of lattice points in the plane (not necessarily convex). Each side of C has no lattice points except the two vertices. Prove that at least one side contains a point (x, y) with 2x and 2y both odd integers.



We consider the midpoint of each side. We say that a vertex (x, y) is pure if x and y have the same parity and impure if x and y have opposite parity. Since the total number of vertices is odd, there must be two adjacent pure vertices P and Q or two adjacent impure vertices P and Q. But in either case the midpoint of P and Q either has both coordinates integers, which we are told does not happen, or as both coordinates of the form an integer plus half, which therefore must occur.



5th APMO 1993

© John Scholes
11 Apr 2002