4th APMO 1992

Problem 3

Given three positive integers a, b, c, we can derive 8 numbers using one addition and one multiplication and using each number just once: a+b+c, a+bc, b+ac, c+ab, (a+b)c, (b+c)a, (c+a)b, abc. Show that if a, b, c are distinct positive integers such that n/2 < a, b, c, <= n, then the 8 derived numbers are all different. Show that if p is prime and n ≥ p2, then there are just d(p-1) ways of choosing two distinct numbers b, c from {p+1, p+2, ... , n} so that the 8 numbers derived from p, b, c are not all distinct, where d(p-1) is the number of positive divisors of p-1.



If 1 < a < b < c, we have a + b + c < ab + c < b + ac < a + bc and (b+c)a < (a+c)b < (a+b)c < abc. We also have b + ac < (a+c)b. So we just have to consider whether a + bc = (b+c)a. But if a > c/2, which is certainly the case if n/2 < a, b, c ≤ n, then a(b + c - 1) > c/2 (b + b) = bc, so a + bc < a(b + c) and all 8 numbers are different.

The numbers are not all distinct iff p + bc = (b + c)p. Put b = p + d. Then c = p(p-1)/d + p. Now we are assuming that b < c, so p + d < p(p-1)/d + p, hence d2 < p(p-1), so d < p. But p is prime so d cannot divide p, so it must divide p-1. So we get exactly d(p-1) solutions provided that all the c ≤ n. The largest c is that corresponding to d = 1 and is p(p-1) + p = p2 ≤ n.



4th APMO 1992

© John Scholes
11 Apr 2002