4th APMO 1992

Problem 2

Given a circle C centre O. A circle C' has centre X inside C and touches C at A. Another circle has centre Y inside C and touches C at B and touches C' at Z. Prove that the lines XB, YA and OZ are concurrent.



We need Ceva's theorem, which states that given points D, E, F on the lines BC, CA, AB, the lines AD, BE, CF are concurrent iff (BD/DC) (CE/EA) (AF/FB) = 1 (where we pay attention to the signs of BD etc, so that BD is negative if D lies on the opposite side of B to C). Here we look at the triangle OXY, and the points A on OX, B on OY and Z on XY (it is obvious that Z does lie on XY). We need to consider (OA/AX) (XZ/ZY) (YB/BO). AX and BY are negative and the other distances positive, so the sign is plus. Also OA = OB, AX = XZ, and ZY = YB (ignoring signs), so the expression is 1. Hence AY, XB and OZ are concurrent as required.



4th APMO 1992

© John Scholes
11 Apr 2002